Cardiff University’s Astronomy Instrumentation Group is the lead institute of the SPIRE instrument. As well as team members involved in the technical design as build of the instrument, a number of members of the School of Physics and Astronomy are involved in the analysis and interpretation of the data which SPIRE and the other instruments on Herschel are sending back.
Name | About me |
Jonathan Davies Cardiff University jon DOT davies AT 029 208 75255 | My work is particularly concerned with the evolutionary history of nearby galaxies i.e. galaxies that are close enough that we can study them in great detail. I am leading a Herschel program to survey the nearby Virgo galaxy cluster and am involved in programs to observe galaxies as part of the time allocated to the team that built the SPIRE camera. |
Steve Eales Cardiff University steve DOT eales AT 029 208 76168 | I work on uncovering the history of galaxies – how they were formed and how they have evolved during the 13.7 billion years since the Big Bang. I have helped to plan some observing programmes for the telescope. I am co-leading the Herschel ATLAS survey, which will cover the largest area of all the Herschel surveys with Loretta Dunne. I am also leading a small survey of nearby galaxies using the time allocated to the team that built the SPIRE camera. |
Matt Griffin Cardiff University matt DOT griffin AT | I am the Principle investigator for the SPIRE instrument on Herschel. |
Haley Gomez Cardiff University haley DOT gomez AT 029 208 74058 | I’m part of the science teams using time allocated to the SPIRE team, observing dusty galaxies and stars. I’m interested in understanding the formation and evolution of cosmic dust, particularly where it comes from and what its made of. Recent work suggests that supernovae may be responsible for polluting galaxies with lots of dust. This is especially important in the early Universe where fast-lived, supernovae may be the only source of dust. |
Peter Hargrave Cardiff University peter DOT hargrave AT 029 208 76682 | I’m a SPIRE associate scientist and local Cardiff SPIRE manager. I’m an instrument scientist, and led the building and testing of the Cardiff SPIRE subsystems. I’m a member of SPIRE calibration team, and the Herschel Calibration Steering Group. |
Chris NorthCardiff Universitychris DOT north AT 208 70537 | I am the UK Herschel Outreach Officer, primarily based in Cardiff University. I coordinate the outreach programme for the UK Herschel team, and develop resources for outreach and education. I also give a number of public and school talks about the mission and the results. |
Derek Ward-Thompson Cardiff University derek DOT ward-thompson AT 029 208 75314 | I’m part of the science teams using time allocated to the SPIRE team, observing star-forming regions. I’m interested in understanding the formation and evolution of stars and planets. In particular, I’m interested in the initial conditions of star formation. |