James Falder, University of Hertfordshire
| James Falder is a PhD student working on the enviroments of AGN mainly at high redshift, he is working as part of the H-Atlas consortium looking at the far-infra-red enviroments of AGN. |
Martin Hardcastle, University of Hertfordshire | Martin Hardcastle is working on Herschel-ATLAS data relating to the far-IR properties and star-formation histories of active galaxies, particularly radio-loud AGN. He is also involved in the radio followup of H-ATLAS observations. |
Matt Jarvis, University of Hertfordshire | Matt Jarvis is a member of the Herschel-ATLAS executive committee and co-leads the “AGN and rare object” working group. His interest is in the whole of extragalactic astronomy, particularly bringing together information from all wavelengths and combine with Herschel to further our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution, as well as AGN activity. He also leads the GMRT and optical follow-up campaigns over the Herschel ATLAS fields with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope in India and the Isaac Newton Telescope in La Palma. |
Jason Stevens, University of Hertfordshire
| Jason Stevens has worked in the SPIRE consortium since 2000 both as part of the ICC and in developing the extragalactic science case for the guaranteed time programme. He is an active member of the HerMES and H-ATLAS surveys with a particular interest in AGN and their environments. |